
Menampilkan postingan dari 2015


Hello! We are coming on 30 November - 3 Desember 2015! Setelah 3 tahun berlangsung, KOMIK Paramadina kembali mengadakan  Communication Week.  Communication Week adalah wadah yang dapat memberikan value bagi mahasiswa/i, khususnya jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, untuk mengimplementasikan ilmu pengetahuan yang telah diperoleh melalui acara ini. Communication Week terdiri dari rangkaian acara bersifat kompetisi dan berbagi ilmu pengetahuan ( sharing knowledge ). Adapun setiap tahun, kegiatan ini mengangkat tema yang menarik untuk diusung bersama untuk menciptakan tujuan tertentu yang bersifat positif bagi khalayak ramai. So what’s the theme for this year? COMMUNIACTION! "The Way You Communicate, The Way You Express Yourself" 1. Seminar "Defend Yourself With Communication Skill" Communication Week 2015 kali ini menghadirkan sebuah seminar yang mengedepankan bagaimana sebuah komunikasi yang kita l


On November 6th, we're invited by communication'15 friends to attend their event. As last years, the new crews of communication students always present an event named Communication Gathering (COMMGATH) to bring senior and junior together in the same place. So, we came to Aula Nurcholis Madjid, which has designed by them like an outer space. Performance by Wisnu Renggo The theme of COMMGATH 2015 is Comet (Communication Meet) In Galaxy. So, there are so much things about space and galaxy patterns. Seems dark, but really intersenting. We can enjoy the COMMGATH 2015 with some fun agenda like sharing session with the alumni until the music performance. Performance by Danar Respati and M. Natsir Stand up comedy by M. Insan Kamil The DJ! After the music performance and games, a DJ came to the stage and played the music. So, everybody dance yeaaah! Communication friends A good relationship starts with good communication. Communication is


CONGRATULATION! Di bawah ini adalah nama-nama yang LOLOS seleksi panitia Communication Week 2015: 1. Bella Amanda Dwisyah Putri 2. Aulia Gharsina Larasati 3. Syifa Woro Trisningtyas 4. Gresia Dian Anggraeni 5. Mega Yolanda 6. Arnintya Juninda Yuliardi 7. Anisa Paramartha 8. Husein Alattas 9. Karisma Alva Syahada 10. M. Bemby Putra 11. Nanda Wijaya 12. Putri Nurmala Hadi 13. Agnessya Bennington Tallaut 14. Hanifah M. Hilmansyah 15. Nadia Adrha Nareswari Janitra 16/ Tri Lestari Handayani 17. Rr. Neysa Griselda 18. Fitri Alvionita 19. Fatimah Az Zahra 20. Achiruddin Islami 21, Bella Nursepta Yosephine Munthe 22. Devina Febriana 23. Aninda Falidha Anggreyani 24. Indira Marsella 25. Laksmita Tri C. 26. Fania Aprillia 27. Sheilla Yulistia 28. Farisza Pratama 29. Farida Amalia 30. Sarah Adinda 31. Deasy Ratnasari 32. Azizah Nuraini 33. Andi Shalou Khalilah 34. Yolla Hariyanti 35. Fietra Adia Shahnaz 36. Fara P


Hello, Communication Students! COMMUNICATION WEEK IS BACK! We need you to be the part of this cool event. If you are: - Communication science students of Paramadina (min. 3rd semester) - Active and healthy physically & mentally - Ready to work in cooperative and commited to make this event successful. Please, kindly send your CV to: with subject: "Open Recruitment CommWeek 2015". We're waiting for you to join us until November 1st, 2015 at 12 pm. For any information:  Daniel (satriadaniel / 08999020244) So, don't miss it, guys. See you!

National Batik's Day: Proud Of Your BATIK!

2 Oktober selalu menjadi hari yang dinanti dalam perayaan Hari Batik Nasional. Oleh karena itu, KOMIK Paramadina mengajak teman-teman dan civitas akademika Universitas Paramadina untuk bangga memakai batik dan memamerkan batik favorit mereka di booth National Batik's Day! Tema National Batik's Day kali ini adalah Summer Paradise, yang mana mengartikan bahwa batik tak hanya bisa digunakan untuk acara resmi, tapi juga santai. Summer Paradise juga merepresentasikan Indonesia yang termasuk dalam negara maritim dan beriklim tropis.  Nggak cuma itu, acara National Batik's Day kali ini juga mengadakan kompetisi foto terbaik dengan hastag #nationalbatiksday  via twitter dan Instagram plus  free es mambo untuk mereka yang berfoto di booth mengenakan batik!  Seru banget, kan? Yuk, kita lestarikan budaya Indonesia dengan bangga memakai batik! ;)


Bulan suci Ramadhan adalah momen yang indah untuk berbagi dan merasakan kehangatan di tengah kebersamaan, KOMIK Paramadina kembali menyelenggarakan program MAKASIH (Mahasiswa Berbagi Kasih) untuk yang ketiga kalinya. MAKASIH VOL. 3 kali ini bertempat di Yayasan BSC Al-Futuwwah, Cipete Utara, Jakarta Selatan.  Husein sedang bercengkrama dengan adik-adik Yayasan BSC Al-Futuwwah Foto bersama adik-adik Yayasan BSC Al-Futuwwah Dalam acara MAKASIH VOL. 3 ini, KOMIK Paramadina tidak hanya mengajak adik-adik Yayasan BSC Al-Futuwwah untuk berbuka puasa bersama, tapi juga bermain games dan   mendongeng bersama Kak Daus sambil menunggu adzan magrib berkumandang.  Adik-adik Yayasan BSC Al-Futuwwah Foto bersama salah satu adik bungsu di Yayasan BSC Al-Futuwwah Setelah adzan magrib berkumandang, kami berkumpul untuk melakukan buka puasa bersama. Sangat senang melihat adik-adik dan teman-teman MAKASIH VOL. 3 tersenyum menikmati kebersamaan yang terjalin sore itu. B


Let's remember all about our yesterdays! Pagi itu, para alumni Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Paramadina berkumpul di Aula Nurcholis Madjid untuk menghadiri acara Home Coming Day Communication Paramadina 2015. Acara Home Coming Day Comm 2015 ini dilaksanakan sebagai ajang reuni para alumni dalam mengenang 'rumah lama' mereka selama masih berstatus mahasiswa. Para alumni berfoto di booth Home Coming Day Comm 2015 Foto alumni dengan dosen-dosen Ilmu Komunikasi Tak hanya sekadar reuni, para alumni ini juga melakukan sharing session seputar dunia digital dan media dalam komunikasi. Mereka juga berbagi pengalaman seputar dunia pekerjaan dan prospek apa saja yang dapat digali bagi lulusan Ilmu Komunikasi. Prosesi launching KREASI Acara Home Coming Day Comm 2015 ini juga bertujuan untuk meluncurkan program KREASI (Keluarga Besar Alumni Ilmu Komunikasi) yang nantinya akan digunakan sebagai wadah komunikasi dan kerjasama para alumni. Foto panitia


Heiho, the Alumni! Do you miss your days in college? Or do you wanna restart it? How about sitting in Lamer, lunch at KamiKita, doing seminar at Aula Nurcholish Madjid, and hang out at Taman Peradaban? You can get it all again! Let's go back to the classic tale! Please, come to HOME COMING DAY COMM UPM 2015. The event aims to the launching of KREASI (Keluarga Besar Ilmu Komunikasi) and reunion! The event will be held on May 30, 2015 at Aula Nurcholish Madjid. Only by paying Rp125,000, you can get a mug, snacks, lunch, and free photo booth! For further information, please contact Christina (0838 823 7903). Come on, what are you waiting for? It's time to reminisce! ;)))

Major VS Indie

Music is what feelings sound like. Without music, life feels strange and lonely. Music is a friend in our lives, that we couldn't separate them. People can communicate through music. We can telling, revealing, even affecting through the songs. So, that's why KOMIK held a seminar titled "Major VS Indie", which is intended for you, the Musicmania! The seminar held on April 17 th 2015 at Aula Nurcholis Madjid. In the seminar, KOMIK collaborated with Seven Music Indonesia. We discussed issues concerning the music industry, which is influential in Indonesia today. We invited two speakers, Arie Legowo, an A&R Manager of Warner Music Indonesia, and Wawan AEC, CEO of Seven Music Indonesia. The seminar was opened by Pamungkas, student of Visual Communication Design, who sang his songs with the title I Love You But I'm Letting Go . His great voice attracted participants to join the seminar. Yeahhh! What a nice song, Pam!  And then, the discussi

The Leadership Training

On March, 13 rd and 14 th 2015, KOMIK held basic training leadership at Paramadina University. The training was divided in two days with different speakers. On the first day, we had Mrs. Nara Kurniawaty Yusuf, lecturer and director of the campus, and Mrs. Leonita K. Syarief, our organization constructor, as the speakers. Mrs. Nara provide material about How to Make Proposal and MOU, while Mrs. Leonita provide material about Ethics and Etiquette in the organization.  Furthermore, the event continued on the second day with speakers which aren't less cool! In the first session, we were accompanied by Mrs. Suci Ayuningtyas. She explained the material about Correspondence. Then, we arrival of Mr. Riki Sonjaya from Young On Top who gave material about Sponsorship and Fundraising. He also explained the function of social media that it can be used as an 'exchange' in Sponsorship. Not just two speakers, we were also accompanied by our super seniors