The Leadership Training

On March, 13rd and 14th 2015, KOMIK held basic training leadership at Paramadina University. The training was divided in two days with different speakers. On the first day, we had Mrs. Nara Kurniawaty Yusuf, lecturer and director of the campus, and Mrs. Leonita K. Syarief, our organization constructor, as the speakers. Mrs. Nara provide material about How to Make Proposal and MOU, while Mrs. Leonita provide material about Ethics and Etiquette in the organization. 

Furthermore, the event continued on the second day with speakers which aren't less cool! In the first session, we were accompanied by Mrs. Suci Ayuningtyas. She explained the material about Correspondence.

Then, we arrival of Mr. Riki Sonjaya from Young On Top who gave material about Sponsorship and Fundraising. He also explained the function of social media that it can be used as an 'exchange' in Sponsorship.

Not just two speakers, we were also accompanied by our super seniors, Sahuri and Aginda, who shared their experiences about organization, especially in KOMIK! Yeay! They also provide material about Leadership and Organization.

And finally... it's time for inauguration procession of KOMIK members! We lined up and took the oath of office appointments, while holding our neighbor's shoulders. After that, we affix our signatures.

The sun shifted to western horizon. So, the leadership training was completed. Thanks to the speakers and seniors who have given knowledge and motivation for us. God bless you!

And... let us show off the official photo. Cheers!


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