Aloha! First of all, I'm so sorry for abandoning this page quite long. But, now I'm back to give updates about KOMIK activities and I hope you'll always stay here! Previously, I'll introduce new members of KOMIK. There are 26 people who officially joined and ready for the work programs during a year ahead. After going through the selections, so, these are the members of KOMIK in the period 2014-2015! *drum rolls* - Chairman - Riky Okianto - Vice Chairman - Melinda Fitriah - Secretary - 1. Christina Natalia Hutauruk 2. Dwi Kurnia - Finance - 1. Ulfah Dwityaningsih Junaidi Putri 2. Afifah Andriyani Putri - Public Relations Division - 1. Satria Pringgondaniel 2. Annisa Nur Adzikriani 3. Aninda Tania Harahap 4. Tsamara Amany Alatas 5. Laili Muttamimah 6. Fitri Febriani - Programming Division - 1. Reyhan Aliy 2. Galuh Ajeng Kirana 3. Annisa Ayu Kusuma 4. Rachmat Vigar Wardhana 5. Sena Aji Mahendra - Research and Deve...
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