
Menampilkan postingan dari 2014

News! for Registration

Hear a great news from us we extend the deadline of our registration deadline Phototelling - 29 November 2014 Print ad competition - 29 November 2014 also registration for everyone who are interest in placing your store at our Bazaar Bazaar - 27 November 2014 Thank You!

Form Pendaftaran Peserta Commweek 2014

Everyone who wanted to join our blazzing competiton, can register here. Oh and if you have something in mind, just call the contact person below we will gladly answer all the questions Happy register. FUTSAL COMPETITION (Seruni Putri Yudhitia - 082213136446) PRINT-AD COMPETITION (Ulfah Dwitiyaningsih Junaidi - 081282226232) PHOTO-TELLING COMPETITION (Silvia Sanjaya - 081293555895) EAT ME! COMPETITION (Hanifah - 081213636130) BAZAAR (Melinda Fitriah - 081262101452)


So yesterday, the 2014-ers treat us to celebrate their officially become one of communication studies in paramadina. They named the event "Hellowin" with all the spooky thingy, and bats, oh there's Jack O' Lantern too! it was all cute. Besides they put a good-looking not really creepy backdrop on the front door, here's the photos! The show start at seven but were late an hour. The host were the straw-jaw and beauty lady i forgot their name. They also invite the alumni Rendy herpy and Sahuri mulia, and they came up as the speaker of our sharing session. Well after that, begin the three-round sing a song from Park Project (tito,farisz,gama,and rahman) well played guys, well played. And the next performance came from Band Lantai Satu which they played two-round song from Oasis. Oh, by the way all the crew came up with a crazy stuff where they're all dancing with the singer hahahaha. PiƱata time! the host randomly choose seven player they are ( Ikr

National Batik's Day!

First of all i'm sorry for being so late to post this picture of everyone celebrating the National Batik's Day! well it was really really a wrapped! you can feel the happiness by looking this picture, seriously, i can guarantee that !! Happy Batik's Day! 

GMP 2014!

It's Thursday and we're so excited to be on the stage to present KOMIK and the entire Communication Program-people.   Semua berkumpul pada pukul 11.00 WIB di Lobby dan membicarakan persiapan apa saja yang telah matang. Karena acara akan dimulai pada pukul 11.40 dan seperti biasa Ilmu Komunikasi mendapatkan tempat di Aula. Pembukaan pertama dilakukan oleh Ibu Leonita K. Syarief karena Ibu Nur Saragih sedang berhalangan hadir, pembukaan dilanjutkan dengan penampilan video prodi ilmu komunikasi yang dibuat oleh Reyhan/Broadcast2012 dan Imam Dwi/Broadcast2010. Setelah penampilan video tersebut barulah kita ke perkenalan KOMIK dimana Ketua Komik kita juga membuat video yang sama tentang perjalanan selama hampir satu periode kepengerusan and it was quite fascinating how fast time flies.  Setelah perkenalan rekan- rekan KOMIK dilanjutkan dengan permainan perkenalan. Dimana anak- anak 2014 harus menyebutkan nama panggilan mereka lalu berkumpul sesuai dengan huruf

Open Recruitment for Comweek!



Pada saat bulan puasa kemarin KOMIK mengadakan acara   untuk saling berbagi kepada anak- anak yatim piatu yang berada di daerah Tebet dengan tema “Indahnya Radhan”. Panitia berkumpul sekitar pukul 12.00 AM di lobby kampus, dan menunggu kedatangan para peserta yang sudah mendaftar. Panitia dan peserta berangkat ke panti tersebut sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB, dan kita seperti SOTR begitu jalan secara konvoi. Sesampainya disana kita disambut dengan marawis dari para santri disana, lalu ada pasangan MC baru yang menghibur kita yaitu kak Oky dan kak Tasya. mereka membawakan acara dengan seru dan menghibur, walaupun tenggorokan sudah serat karena kebanyakan ngomong, tapi semangat tetap ada hahahaha. Kemudian ada performance dari Rona Mentari dai cilik yang sekarang menjadi pendongeng terkenal yang sudah mendongeng hingga Negeri Kangguru (and i'm sorry i forget what she storytelling) Saatnya berbuka puasa! Kita buka puasa dengan yang manis ma